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This page is dedicated to advise given by immigrants for immigrants in the United States. People that have immigrated to the United States at any time, are invited to send us their advise for other immigrants in n the form of tips. You may send us your immigration tips and advice anonymously or ask to be identified. Thank you in advance for your help to a fellow immigrant!
Immigration advise by: USAIH Admin. Date: 07-22-23
In order to improve your chances of having your visa or green card application approved, choose the expedited option. Want to fully understand this point? - check out this immigration blog post: Expedited vs Regular Visa, Green Card, and Citizenship Applications.
Immigration advise by: USAIH Admin. Date: 07-21-23
Traveling and/or immigrating to the United States requires a visa or at least one form of permission to enter. If your situation and goal requires a visa, make sure to acquire the legal services of an immigration attorney. Want to fully understand this point? - check out this immigration blog post: U.S. Visas vs Citizenship Simplified.
Immigration advise by: USAIH Admin. Date: 07-21-23
Finances are a major aspect of immigration to the United States and living as an immigrant in the United States. One of the first financial points to understand is that your credit score is not about how much money you have, or if you can afford to buy something. Want to fully understand this point? - check out this immigration blog post: USA - How to Increase your Credit Score Quickly.
Immigration advise by: USAIH Admin. Date: 07-20-23
Interviewing for a job in the United States can be different, perhaps even very different than how job interviews are conducted back at your homeland. Take the time to learn how to successfully interview for jobs in the United States. Begin your job searching journey by visiting this immigration blog post: How to Interview for a Job.
Immigration advise by: USAIH Admin. Date: 07-19-23
Being an immigrant is a state of mind of its own; Take the time to learn how to be an immigrant.
Check out these related immigration blog post: Immigration is a State of Mind I and Immigration is a State of Mind II.
Immigration advise by: USAIH Admin. Date: 07-19-23
Your credit score is extremely important for your financial success as an immigrant in the United States. If you follow a few simple rules and steps, your credit score will rocket high very quickly.
Check out this relevant immigration blog post: USA - How to Increase your Credit Score Quickly.
Immigration advise by: USAIH Admin. Date: 07-19-23
A great deal of visas approved are nonimmigrant temporary worker visas. Take the time to learn about the diverse visa types. Make sure to hire an experienced and professional immigration lawyer/attorney.
Begin you job searching journey by visiting this immigration blog post: A Professional Resume.
Immigration advise by: USAIH Admin. Date: 07-19-23
When getting your first bank account in the United States, a new bank account with a different bank (replacing one bank with another), or getting a second bank account - take into consideration that they will hold for about 7 business days any money that is not a direct deposit (such as a salary from a known employer.
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